If you drive under the influence of alcohol, you may expect to see flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. After all, patrol officers typically receive training on spotting possible drunk drivers. These officers stop those they suspect may be driving...
DWI/DUI Defense
Can you get a DUI even if you are below the legal limit?
Having a DUI conviction on your record can have serious consequences for your future employment and education opportunities. Legal limits to the amount of alcohol you can have in your system before driving exist for an important reason, and keep us all safe on the...
A DUI conviction may affect your college budget
Even if you intend never to drink and drive, life often has a way of messing with plans. If officers arrest you on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, you may be vulnerable to jail time, fines and even a loss of your driving privileges. You may also...
What are the conditions and penalties for a repeat DUI offense?
The first time you face a conviction for driving under the influence, a Maryland judge may hand down a sentence of up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. A repeat DUI offense, however, may result in far more serious consequences. As noted by the Maryland Department...
Be wary of a Breathalyzer’s accuracy
There's no worse feeling than seeing those red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. And if you blow over the legal limit, it can feel your world is coming to an end. However, you may question whether you had too much to drink before getting behind the wheel....
Steps to take if you are pulled over for DWI in Maryland
Drunk driving takes a terrible toll across the United States every year as thousands die in motor vehicle crashes, where alcohol is a factor. In Maryland, nearly 25% of all traffic fatalities are alcohol-related. The best way to avoid potentially life-threatening...