There's no worse feeling than seeing those red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. And if you blow over the legal limit, it can feel your world is coming to an end. However, you may question whether you had too much to drink before getting behind the wheel....

Year: 2020
Could a limited divorce be the right solution for you?
While separation is often seen as a trial period to determine whether divorce is right for a couple, there are many reasons that a couple might choose this route. Some people want legal separation for religious reasons. Others stay married to preserve certain benefits...
Getting medical help for a healthy recovery
The forces involved in car accidents seldom allow people to walk away without bumps and bruises. But when you’re in a serious crash, the injuries are bound to be more severe, and the costs can quickly grow. Making sure you get the help you need could depend on how...
What are the telltale signs of an impaired driver?
When someone drives under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they not only put themselves in danger, they put everyone else on the road in danger. Unfortunately, you could encounter an impaired driver while commuting to or from work, on your way to the grocery store...
Steps to take if you are pulled over for DWI in Maryland
Drunk driving takes a terrible toll across the United States every year as thousands die in motor vehicle crashes, where alcohol is a factor. In Maryland, nearly 25% of all traffic fatalities are alcohol-related. The best way to avoid potentially life-threatening...